Thursday, July 20, 2017

Summer Gaming and the Return of SurfMonkey!!!

The end of June and through July, despite some unwanted demands on my free time, we have managed to get in a fair amount of gaming! We introduced the Alabama cousins to some good old D&D 5E. 

 Maximan and I resurrected one of all-time favorites: Call of Cthulhu LCG.

We got in a couple of games of our favorite 3 player expandable card game: Epic!

Always time for some Japanese TCGs! Maximan and I Cardfighting!

I used my Reign of Cthulhu minis for location markers for the penultimate chapter of the Dunwich Legacy campaign for Arkham Horror LCG. This chapter almost killed both investigators, but thanks to my own Pulp Action variations to the Chaos bag, they eked out survival by the barest margins. Then the final chapter found the investigators lost in time and space. Love this game!!


The boys get a little relaxing outside dice rolling in on a family excursion. 

I made a triumphant return to SurfMonkey's lair after a too long hiatus. We played the new Monopoly Gamer and a gantlet of DragoBorne TCG games in. Finally feels good to get this upcoming, exciting new TCG to the table in a serious way. Can't wait for my trial decks to arrive in August. 

Hopefully, we can resume monthly meet ups to sling cards and roll dice. Bring it on, SurfMonkey!!

In other news, I resumed playing in the online D&D game with the Starshield Gaming Society. It was good to get back into the dungeon!

Until next time, readers, sling those cards and chuck those dice. See you soon!