I finally got my hands on the new hotness, Arkham Horror The Card Game. If you remember, I play a lot of Call of Cthulhu LCG solo. Well, now, that will now become a strictly one player game as I have finally found my card game/solo experience/Lovecraftian experience all rolled into this thematic, story-driven, RPG / Card game that I am loving the heck out of right now.
I have played through the three scenarios in the core set. I played with Roland and Agnes. The story is really cool, and if your characters 'lose,' the story still continues. Your actions and consequences shape the scenarios that come after.
Of course, SurfMonkey has the game as well as well as some downloaded and laminated game aids. Bling, bling! We have begun the core set campaign together. Him playing Roland; me playing Daisy. We managed a fairly successful opening scenario. But then a couple of days later, we tried the second scenario and got trounced twice. The third time mulligan was a semi successful one, and we now move on to the third scenario at our next meeting.
We also got in several plays of Star Wars Destiny. Fantasy Flight Games has yet another Star Wars hit on their hands with this one.
For his birthday, Maximan got Star Wars Imperial Assault. We have got a couple of games in and hope for much more. However, Maximan and I have also started our own Arkham Horror campaign with him playing Roland and me playing Wendy. Still any time at the gaming table is time well spent.
The other day, the boys and I got in a game I have had for 13 years but have never played. Lord of the Rings Risk. We didn't quite finished, but it was fun nonetheless. And Jasper has found The Precious.
On Sunday of Thanksgiving break, the Starshield Board Game Knights met for a game night of Eldritch Horror and One Night Ultimate Werewolf. Good times!
With Christmas coming, more gaming goodness to come. See you all soon! Happy holidays!!