Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Two Months of SurfMonkey

Two gaming sessions ago, SurfMonkey arrived with Netrunner and Star Wars: X Wing both Fantasy Flight Games games. Both were released at Gen Con this past August as well. Of course, famously Netrunner sold out at the Con in 7 minutes. Star Wars: X Wing is also selling quite well. Both of these games are huge hits. Were they a hit with us, read on and find out...

First up was Netrunner:

My faction for the game is pictured below...

I never played Netrunner back in the day, so this was my first exposure to it. I think the game is sound, but the two factions Surf and I faced off against each other were complete nemeses. As a result, the game was not very fun for me, but after another play, I think I may have more fun.

Next up was Star Wars: X Wing:

My experience with SW X Wing was a better one. I really enjoyed playing this game. The hidden tactical choices and the measuring sticks, and the MINIS! Just an awesome experience. I may be buying this one for Max and me for Christmas.

We finished the night with a game of Martian Dice. Good times. 

Month the Second:

SurfMonkey brought over the highly-anticipated game: Mice and Mystics by Geek Cave favorite: Plaid Hat Games. Now this is a game. It is a unique kind of story telling game that is part board game, part role-playing game. I really enjoyed it. Below are some pics of this gorgeous game:

These were my characters.

Love the components...

Awesome sculpts!

 Centipedes and spiders, oh, my!

I really like this game and look forward to playing it again. 

 For the second game of the night, SurfMonkey and I joined forces against the evil of the Ennead in the Multiverse, and we were its Sentinels.
 SurfMonkey brought his Bannersonthecheap.com custom play mat. It added a cool visual dimension to the game. 

 The Ennead defeated.

Looking forward to next month when we may head back to Middle-Earth but not before we participate in a Mage War!

Thanks for reading, and until next time, roll some dice, sling some cards, and save the multiverse!